This Sunday is Pentecost where we will hear the story from Acts 2 of the Holy Spirit falling on the disciples in a rushing wind and tongues of flame.  It is a classic transition text.  The disciples had been waiting after Jesus’ ascension into heaven for “what next.”  And the “what next” was the inspiration that comes with being “on fire” with the “Spirit of the Risen Lord.”  They then went out proclaiming the good news of God in Christ and doing what Jesus did—serving the needy and healing the broken.

I was reminded of all this at my son Nathan’s graduation from Virginia Tech this past weekend.  As a fresh college graduate his life is in transition, to say the least.  The commencement speakers focused on resilience, passion, persistence, and holding on to what they’ve learned.  That they will make mistakes and have regrets, but to not forget that “life is good”…  In between the lines I heard the “promise of the Spirit,” that in Christian terms gives us all those things while accompanying us in the ups and downs of our lives, whether we sense Its presence or not.  Also this Sunday, four young women will be Affirming their Baptism in the rite of Confirmation—yet another transition!—a rite of passage for our young people into a deepening life of faith.

God prepares us for “what next” by raising Jesus from the dead, revealing God’s life and love.  Jesus prepares us through his teaching, example, and call to “love one another as he has loved us.”  God the Spirit works through the effects of those words, that truth, and divine reality.  God the Spirit works through the actions of our lives—some things we have control over, some things we don’t.  In ALL of those things, the Holy Spirit is present calling us into deeper life—praying with us in sighs and groans (Romans 8:22-27) and moving us with a “fire” in our hearts.  A fire of love and joy!

Come, Holy Spirit!

Pr. Christian