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Souper Bowl of Caring: Thank You!
A huge "THANK YOU!" to everyone at St. Matthew's who contributed to this year's Souper Bowl of Caring! We donated...
Sara Richardson
THANK YOU to Our Rise Against Hunger Sponsors!
Thank you to ALL our sponsors who donated toward our Rise Against Hunger Meal Packaging Event on Sunday! We...
Sara Richardson
Golf Event Fundraiser Announced!
Drive Out Hunger
Paula Estornell as Program Director of the Love Revolution
The Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod is pleased to announce the appointment of Paula Estornell as Program Director...
Sunday Evening Worship Continues for Summer
We will be having Sunday Evening Worship at 6:30 on the Second and Fourth Sundays of June, July, and August. The...
Christian McMullan
Chris Marziale (Grace Crossing Community Church in Phoenixville) Presentation
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Outreach Lenten Project Update
Outreach Ministry Survey Request
We are interested in your opinion regarding outreach efforts at St. Matthew's! Please fill out the survey attached...
It's beginning to look a lot like winter!
Hello y'all! As I write this the snow has turned to rain in Phoenixville and has left a slushy mess. The forecast...
Christian McMullan
Thank you for Thanksgiving
Wow! Thank you to everyone who donated so generously for our Thanksgiving outreach ministry with the Lutheran...
Sign-Up to Light Candles on the Advent Wreath
We are looking for a volunteer to assist with lighting the candles of the Advent wreath during worship on this...
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