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Wow! Thank you to everyone who donated so generously for our Thanksgiving outreach ministry with the Lutheran Church of Holy Communion in center city Philadelphia. Approximately 25 members of St. Matthew’s joined Holy Communion members and spent the morning serving and packaging complete Thanksgiving meals; providing meals to folks at the church or delivering them to people living on the street; and distributing socks, scarves, hats, and gloves to those in need.

Due to your financial donations, we were able to pay for all the turkeys and pumpkin pies, as well as contribute to Holy Communion to reduce their expenses for all the side dishes, packaging containers, and utensils.

Your donations of warm clothing allowed us to meet the demand on Thanksgiving Day and leave extra socks, gloves, and hats for Holy Communion’s “giving tree.” The extra clothing will be placed under this tree in their foyer for anyone to take as needed.

Our two congregations were able to share God’s love in a tangible way to the hungry, homeless, lonely, and forgotten. What a wonderful way to start Thanksgiving!