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         As you peruse this ATC, I hope you notice everything that is going on. There’s a LOT! And it’s great! Being busy at the church is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing, because the “busyness” reflects opportunities for community, folks feeling like they want to contribute to something good and of value for their lives and for others. All of that is to the good. It’s a curse because, well, I know people are already busy, and sometimes “church” is “one more thing” that they feel like they have “to do.” I know we ask for volunteers all the time, and St. Matt’s can’t function without all y’all—but I also don’t want to communicate a “guilt trip” either. No guilt from me.

        The Old Testament reading this Sunday is a story about how Moses was on the verge of burnout and angry with God. So God tells him to appoint others to help carry the burden of leadership. In other words, recruit volunteers! So Moses prays to God, is told to pick 70 “elders,” and God would give his Spirit to those 70 to “git ‘er done.” Turns out, the Spirit fell on a couple of others who weren’t picked. It almost became an “issue,” but Moses defuses it. For us, it’s a good story to remind us that ministry is a group endeavor—people inspired, energized, excited by something, a vision—dare I say by the Holy Spirit!—that helps make it happen (whatever the ‘it’ is). Having people on fire about something—even unexpected people!—is a great thing! The job for the rest of us is to get out of the way and support them.

        Getting out of the way is wonderfully humbling. It’s not all up to “me” (thank God!) and it also means I have to trust others—which can be hard. And the support piece is simply trying to listen to what people need, asking them, and providing what we can. Sometimes that’s money, sometimes that’s time and energy, and all the time, it’s a “THANK YOU!”

         God provides what we need in the gift of the Spirit—giving us ideas we can be excited about, giving us that “impulse” to want to help others. The Spirit is the source of that motivation to serve and to put ourselves out there. And so we get out of the way and help at the same time. Amen!


Pr. Christian