In my opinion, this Sunday’s gospel reading is one of the hardest in the Bible. Jesus tells us, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves, and take up their cross, and follow” (Mark 8:34). Not exactly a good message for an advertising campaign! Not exactly a “feel good” message. I’m sure y’all have seen those “Life is Good” t-shirts, or the bumper sticker, “Wag more, bark less.” They put a smile on your face! Jesus’ call to follow… not so much.

And yet. I hear a lot how people want to be a part of something bigger than themselves, to give to something that is good, that will make a difference. People will also tell me stories about how they volunteered, or participated in, or helped run some community service or outreach project. Their stories might have been from years ago, but there’s a sense of pride and a feeling of reward for having done it. I take a step back and I hear a time when they “gave of themselves” or a desire to do so. This is not that different from what Jesus is calling us to do. Like with most spiritual things, Jesus kicks it up a notch, calling us not just to do good (and take pride in it), but to give of ourselves with no reward whatsoever. Giving of our selves will “cost” us something (the cross).

And yet. I hear all the time how people want to DO something good! But they don’t know what. And then a passion for something gets sparked, and it happens, and doesn’t feel like “cross-bearing.” But it happens. This Sunday we’ll hear from the food pantry director at Grace Crossing Church in Phoenixville, Chris Marziale. They give a lot of food to people around the corner from us. Our Outreach project in March will be to walk with them and collect things they can’t normally get from the Chester County Food Bank. Jesus’ call is also a call to LIFE—“giving it away” in order to have it.

Peace, Pr. Christian