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This Sunday we continue a series of readings from Paul’s letter to I Corinthians. The last three weeks we heard from I Corinthians 12-13— “spiritual gifts,” how everyone has a place in the Body of Christ, no gifts are more important than others, and how the community should be governed by an ethos of Love. Last week, I “poked the bear” with that. Paul’s beautiful but strong advice is that love “pokes” everyone because it embraces everyone. It’s a self-less kind of love; it’s why I Corinthians 13 is used at just about every wedding I’ve ever been to. 


           But that’s not of first importance. This Sunday Paul concludes his letter saving that for last. Chapter 15 begins, “Now I would remind you, brothers and sisters… for I handed on to you as of first importance what I in turn had received…” And then he describes Christ’s resurrection, his appearances, and the “call” that results—Easter! A call to new life, “resurrected” life, a transformed life. I have heard a lot of prophetic outrage the last several days over politics (much of it I agree with). Jesus’ command to “love our neighbor” is NOT up for debate—whether it’s a child in state custody being cared for through government contracts with Lutheran social services, or any one of the hundreds of thousands of Gazans who have lost their homes. Political and philosophical debates about the state’s role (or not) in caring for the neighbor are beside the point for us as Christians “loving our neighbor.” 


           Anyone can be a “prophet” in this time—that is, feeling acute dissatisfaction with the “direction” of the country. Trump voters felt that way, and now Biden voters feel that way. That “pokes” both ways. Paul didn’t pass on an ethic as of first importance. What wakes me up in the morning isn’t outrage but joy. Yes, JOY! I’ve thought and prayed long and hard about this for years: my “spirituality,” call, hope, desire to help others, “weeping with those who weep” (I Cor. 12:26), etc. is grounded in the presence of the Spirit of the Risen Lord (Easter!). And then I learn to see the world as Jesus Christ Crucified and Risen sees it… and then I learn to follow his call to LOVE. But it begins with the Holy Spirit of Jesus’ Easter.


           For me (and Paul) I cannot and should not forget that that is “of first importance.” 


Go Eagles!

Pr. Christian